Por donde comenzar
By Gerardo Aparicio Yacotu

Where to start

In a stock market as young as the Mexican one, with just 130 years ...

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  • Por donde comenzar

    Where to start

    In a stock market as young as the Mexican one, with just 130 years ... In a stock market as young as the Mexican one, with just 130 years ...

    By Gerardo Aparicio Yacotu
  • ¿Es recomendable certificarse?

    Is it advisable to get certified?

    Certifications granted by organizations that have met a series of s... Certifications granted by organizations that have met a series of s...

    By Gerardo Aparicio Yacotu
  • El Mercado de Valores

    The Stock Market

    As human beings, every time we hear the term stock exchanges or st... As human beings, every time we hear the term stock exchanges or st...

    By Gerardo Aparicio Yacotu
  • Las finanzas un dinámico campo de estudio. 

    Finance a dynamic field of study.

    Finance has been evolving over the course of 126 years, where the f... Finance has been evolving over the course of 126 years, where the f...

    By Gerardo Aparicio Yacotu